We are OPEN!
It's the middle of December, and we are finishing out this month knowing we can pay our rent for the next three months.
I'm loving the fact that I can't get fired for giving away free shit.
I still have no idea what I'm doing.
My basic requirements for creating my own workspace were having tea, a glass water boiler, and my record player.
Two markets have led to people floating inside our shop every day since we opened. Two markets, a tiny bit of online promoting, and word of mouth. This little store is my own brand, everything made with my hands and kissed by Iris. My toddler gets to go to work and has responsibilities like asking people if they want tea. This is painful and relishing. Yum. Relish. Mm. Oh.
Unusual shapes are appealing. My life is turning into a geometry project.
We're going to be closed for a week, and then we'll be back open at the end of the first week of January, and I am going to sew and sew and sew until my fingertips all callous over and my shelves are filled again and I will cry less and less and be okay.
Bring your sweet ugly baby in. I love them so much.