it's easy, chasing the tail; and it never gets old

Posts tagged small business
Small Businessperson Aching for the Downfall of American Capitalism

So, I’d be like, “THIS WORK IS HANDMADE WITH LOVE” and I fucking meant it, because it wasn’t being made from any amount of monetary support that could even support feeding my family. I was working 8-10 hour days for about $3/day. Here. In America. Because that’s what the SAHPs on Etsy told me through their pricing that is all I am worth and I believed it.

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Moving to a Webshop

The short story is, that seeing shattered glass for the third time since our lease started broke me, too. There's a much longer story in here about the daily transients who would wander in, some of them aggressive, some of them refusing to leave, some trying to grab items on the way out, all of them requiring that my toddler go hide quietly in the back of the store.

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Know a tot, but know not what size that tot shops? Did a friend of yours put Velocitoddler on their baby shower wishlist? Have no clue if your kid friend likes sloths or dinosaurs more? Coolio coolio. We have a solution because we have a really cool platform we host our site on (Squarespace, for all of you podcast lovers—I have also tried the socks and the Me Undies, but I still sleep on a mattress that fell off the back of a truck).

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